Sunday, January 25, 2009

John F Kennedy Speech, and the current events...

John F. Kennedy’s Speech, contradictory to our current news….

Kennedy’s inauguration speech was given on January 20th 1991. His main points during the speech were hope, change and being friends with other countries. This speech definitely reminds me of new president Barack Obama’s inaugural speech. Both men have the same ideals -change and hope for America. They both have expressed this ideals any time they had the chance. The difference between these two men is that, Obama has the dreams of many Americans in his hands, people that trust him, and he also has his future coming. John F. Kennedy hope’s for America vanished away and he no longer had a chance to realize his dreams for this country. His speech is now relevant in the actual days in a very contradictory way to what he wanted to see happening in this country. During his speech he mentioned a few things that are nothing like what he wanted.

Kennedy said during his speech: “remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside”

Kennedy was referring to the people that tried to get power in the past and were consumed by it. Obviously when Kennedy was referring to the “past”, he was saying this could not happen any more, at least during his government.

A few presidents later Bush came in, this being his second time as a president and ironically said: "I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it." Since the beghinning he knew what his deals were, and he was going to take advantage of it. This meant that all the power that he had would be completely used and not necessarily to do the best that he could for America, but to do the best that he could for himself. Now after he is gone we can be sure of this because of the way his decisions worked.

He made lots of mistakes during his time in the White House, mistakes that don’t only affect our economy but produce more suffering in the human race. For example, he didn’t quite spend the country’s money in the best way. When it was time to be careful with the money he spent it in some war with Afghanistan, but when the money really needed to be spent because New Orleans needed help during the tragedy of hurricane Katrina, he acted slowly and with non effective ways. The food supplies and buses for people that were supposed to come from him weren’t there on time. Three years later January on 12th Bush admitted at his final news conference as president that Talking about Katrina Bush said: “Could things have been done better? Absolutely, Absolutely”. We all know that, things could definitely have been worked out better. he didn’t act in the best way.

Another one of his mistakes was the entire idea of accusing Iraq for making weapons, and basically starting war. It has been 5 years now, and he still has no proof of that. But he still talks about it as if he was right making that decision. Bush said on January 13th:I am comfortable with what we did and it was necessary to protect the country”. Apparently for him killing people from other countries, and giving away the lives of many Americans is “protecting the country”.

Don’t you just feel like throwing your shoe at him? I am sure John F Kennedy would.

John Kennedy refers to war when he says: “To those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity”. Kennedy was not planning to have the United States in a war, in fact he had a solution to not get there. But while he asked negotiation and understanding of problems from each country, the country he once was president of invades Iraq, and does not plan to leave until the Iraqi’s government is completely well settled, and that will obviously take time and more lives.

This war brings to our minds a large and important part of it, our America soldiers. When Kennedy refers to the country in his speech he says; “Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its loyalty”. He was referring to how we should all work together to make the country grow, but when hi referred to soldiers he said: “The graves of young Americans who answered to the call to service surround the globe”. Again he was talking about the past, and making it seem as if it would never happen again. Right now many American soldiers have died in the Iraq war and the ones alive are still risking their lives.

John F. Kennedy was full of hope and dreams. He was planning to leave everything in the past and move on, no more war, no more “selfish” politics. Everything went away and was erased from American minds, but the hope now is born again with Obama.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

What strikes me about your blog is that you not only related it to our current president and what he has in common with JFK, but also how you related it to Bush, saying everything he did was contradictory to what JFK wanted.

The writing is relatively high quality, in the way that it establishes it's point clearly, and that uses opinion along with supporting evidence.

It would be nice if some of your sources were cited. Also, although it's fine to let your personal opinion show through, sometimes opinion REPLACED evidence instead of using it. You should always try to back up everything you're saying.

What connections can you tie between the way Bush lead us to this recession and what originally lead us to the bad economy JFK inherited? What connections can you tie between what exact solutions JFK had for the country and how that should be applied in today's situation?