Thursday, January 8, 2009

One of Bush's controversys: "The enviroment"

The entire idea of Bush turning into one of the "most conservation-minded presidents" clashes with the very clear mistakes he made in the past. The article written by Katharine Mieszkowski "Bush's seven deadly environmental sins" has a very detailed list of the errors that Bush has done. For example "refusing to agree to mandatory greenhouse emission reductions", or the fact that he never developed well clean energy sources.
The author accompanies every "sin" with a solution proposed by Obama. And it also proposes ideas for Obama of how to not repeat the same mistakes, when she says: "Obama should develop a national task force" or "Obama should order the EPA to issue a waiver to California".

While this article focuses in Bush's mistakes and how Obama will fix them, Juliet Eilperin's article "Bush to protect three areas in pacific" talks about how great his idea of protecting three areas in the pacific is, and while every one else sees this as Bushes first well done act tors environment, Eilperin mentions "Bush's 2006 decision to create the papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in Hawaii and other smaller designations". But she also recognizes the mistakes he made "he has resisted imposing mandatory curbs on greenhouse gas emissions".
The facts of this controversy are layed out in many different ways, for example the great articles by Miezkowoski and Eilperin, it is now up to us to decide whether Bush forgot that he's against healthy environment or he simply wants to have a little more privacy when he goes fishing in the pacific.

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