Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reflection "NeWsPaPeR"

This project was interesting because we learned to use another ways of writing, It was not about just sitting and writing whatever came to our heads, we had to actually write facts.
Our team had to do the front page of a newspaper, and pretend that it was 1858 on a September 18th, which means that the fourth debate between Lincoln and Douglas was going on in Charleston.

To make this happen we tried to make a good use of our time.
We divided the team in four segments. The Douglas article, the Lincoln’s article, the summary of the whole debate and finally the editor, and guy that would actually put all the pieces together. Will wrote the Douglas article, Wyatt did the summary, Jacob was the editor.

My job was to write Lincoln’s article. So what I did is I read the speech that he gave in the fourth debate and I also read a little of “Face the nation”, that was really helpful. It was really interesting to write the facts with out comments of my own, or with out relating it to the current events. I was getting use to that after a while of writing stuff with a personal touch, or relating it to what’s happening today in America.
It’s cool to different things and get out of the box, the truth is, I couldn’t wait to see our newspaper printed out.

After everything was all put together it seemed to look really good. Once we got it printed, the story changed. Besides the editor having some mistakes, (like putting a line between the writing), we had a lot of open space. I think we could of fill that with some fakes news, or “commercials”.

In my writing I noticed that I could of write more, and maybe write another article, I think that I had the idea that because it was in a newspaper I had to be quick and informative but ones is printed you kind of want to see more. At least I know what to do next time I have to write for a news paper.

I seriously can’t imagine how the big newspaper industries work, if they make a newspaper per day! We had a week and had a bunch of mistakes. Well, we had some good things too.
Overall the writing was pretty good and it had perfect spelling, I know that’s how it should be, but some teams didn’t, so I suppose that has to be good. I am proud of how we decided to take the whole idea into 1854, and we kind of did everything how we thought they would do it. For example we didn’t use colored pictures in our newspaper, that makes it look so good.

Well I can say I am really happy to be in the same team with this guys, they really took care of everything, it was so good to have someone reading what I wrote and telling me what I could improve. We explored different ways to write and that’s fun, but I still like writing what I think better.

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