Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Blog #15 Debates in their historical context

The Presidential debates initiated on October 2nd. sense that day they've been a really important thing for American society to talk about. And even though everyone has a different opinion there's things that were clear, and no mater who wins, they become facts.

McCain and Obama. About the first debate most of the people said it was a tight. The fact is at least in the first debate Barack Obama was much more confident.
McCain keap talking about the 800 billion dollars Obama wants, and how much the democratic is going to increase taxes. And Obama keap on talking about deregulation.

On their second debate in October 7Th. Obama was going over the same things, like the plan he has to make economy better. McCain was saying how his going to "fix the US problems." They were pointing stuff to each other like the votes they made in the pass in congress. Obama said a few things about Bush. He explain how the US now owes more money to other countries because of Bush. so even though there was a lot of fighting, it wasn't that great. News say Obama won the second debate.

In their third and last debate I think everyone expected a little bit more. Obama for the third time went over he's plan to help America and of course, McCain still thinks that he can save the world by saying that he will fix things. The truth is, for me watching this debate was like watching the first or the second debate nothing different or new, well except for "Joe the plumer" I can't finish this post with out mentioning the guy that become famous for being mentioned over 23 times in the third debate. This three debates were definitely important to get to know better the candidates and to see them from another and more direct point of view. After all one of this to will take the US by the hand to it's future.

And if they don't do it the vice presidents will do it, that's for sure. so let's talk a little about what the substitutes said in their In the first and only vice presidential debate.

Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. She keap talking to the audience, and talking like if she was a middle class person. which I think people tend to like with out noticing. Badin did a great job but he was using Obama's words for everything. I don't know if that's the best thing. He tried to make his points by fighting and talking about them but Palin wouldn't let him because she wouldn't answer or she would start talking about something else. Actually she did that most of the time. When a question was made she would give her best answers to a whole different question.
I think that she has a lot of things against her, beginning with being a women, second having a pregnant daugther and third she only had one debate, one opportunity and she ruin it. But everyone sees things how ever they want to so I guess you can start a good one out of the debates.

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