Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The ACORN scandal vs. the potential for vote-suppression.

The the Association of Community Organizations for Reform. ACORN is an association that works in several social issues. one of them is the voter registration. Obviously it is not the only one that exists. But this one is now well known by everyone after McCain mentioned in he's debate that they were doing one of the biggest "frauds in voter history".
He said this because the ACORN has been submitting false or fake voter registration. what he didn't say is that, that's the ACORN's job. It is illegal for them to not turn in forms,even if they think is fake. It's not their responsibility to take care of these things. the election officials should be taking care of this. Another bad reason for McCain to say this is that is really hard for people that turn in fake registrations to actually vote. According to The nation's article,"If current polls and trends remain, it'll be extremely difficult for any possible fraud to affect the outcome of the presidential race". So basically this issue doesn't really make any effect on the coming elections.

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