Monday, October 6, 2008

Debates: then and now.

The debates between Lincoln and Douglas were certainly a lot more different that what the debates are now a days. They had 7 debates in 7 different places. Each debate was three hours long!! The first person stared talking for an hour. The next one had a half an hour. And then the first speaker would finish with a half an hour.

The debates started on 1858. Everyone thought that Douglas would win the debates, not Lincoln. Only a few trusted him, but not even his supporters really did. The first one in Ottawa, The second one was in Freeport. In this one Lincoln started making his point and using strategies, He was against popular sovereignty and he was going to convince the people. Lincoln was against slavery and he was trying to prove that Douglas wasn't. In fact in the third debate at Jonesboro Douglas declared: "I hold that this government was made in the white basis, by white man for the benefit of white man and their prosperity forever, and should be administered by white man and none others". Think about it, If this country had his mentality Obama would not be running for president of the US right now.

The fourth debate was at Charleston, Three days later. In this one Lincoln said: "I'm not nor even have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes". He was saying that he was not interesting or looking toward to letting the Africans be on politics or anything, like Douglas said in the last debate. In Charleston people started noticing that Lincoln was winning power over the word war. In number five the number of crowd went up to 25,000 people. This one was at Galesburg in October 7Th. In this one Lincoln attach and said that the real difference between Douglas and the republicans was that the judge Douglas was that He didn't wanted to make any difference between slavery and liberty. In this fight Lincoln won in all points. In the next one at Quincy he came up with the same argument and won again. By the seventh and last one Douglas was week and his words were meaningless, so I'm guessing that was really easy for Lincoln, He would just have to go over the basic immorality of slavery and that was it.

And he did it but even though he won the debates he didn't win the elections what it doesn't really make sense for me. But two years later he won the presidential nomination.

OK now lets go a few years to the future.It's not Lincoln and Douglas. Is McCain and Obama. About this debate most of the people said it was a tight. I say Obama won. why? He was so relaxed about it and confident. now that doesn't mean that McCain did a bad job, H was just kind of boring. But hey, that's OK that's what politicians do right? they talk like that.

McCain keap talking about the 800 billion dollars Obama wants and how much he is going to increse taxes. And Obama keap on talking about dergulation.

On their second debate in october 7Th. Obama was going over the same things, like the plan he has to make economy better. McCain was saying how his going to "fix the US problems." They were pointing stuff to each other like the votes they made in the pass in congress. Obama said a few things about Bush. He explain how the US now ows more money to other countrys because of Bush. so even though there was a lot of fighting, it wasn't that great. News say Obama won the second debate.

In the first and only vicepresidential debate Palin vs Badin, She was really confident and she keap talking to the audience, and talking like if she was a midle class person. which I think people tend to like with out noticing.Badin did a great job but he was using Obamas words for everything. I don't know if that's the best thing. He tried to make his points by fighting and talking about them but Palin wouldn't let him because she woudn't answer or she would start talking about something else. It was propably a tight.

Funny video... Obama vs McCain.

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