Tuesday, November 4, 2008

ReFleCtiOn "Election"

How do I feel about the election?

Obama won!!. I probably heard that about 623 times this day.I think we all saw what was coming since the first debate. Even though it was a tight fight between the candidates, it was really clear that America was going to choose the new and refresh idea of a government, and obviously Obama was giving that. I feel that it was a fear fight. And Obama deserves a chance to display he's ideas.

What are my hopes for America and your community in the next few years?

My hope for the US, is that it gets over the financial crisis that they are going trough right now , and that it will be the same country that it was maybe a year ago, powerful and successful. And after America goes back to normal, our communities will do it as well.

What are my concerns for America and your community for the next few years?

The only thing that really scares me is the idea of America being a liberalise country, maybe this is a really extremist way to say it. But men's kissing each other and killing babies, doesn't sound very natural to me. Other than that, every thing sounds OK.

Obama on abortion.

My understanding on civic knowlege...
I could say that for being a new person to this country, the knowlege that i have is good. But for being a student in High Tech High it could probably be better. But the truth is, the blog and the posts that we have to do every tuesday and thursday have help me so much. I'm learning to relate history with current events. which is exacly what I need right now. I combination of both to get to know better the sistem of the United States. I woudnt change anything to this class. The one thing I would change is the way I'm taking avenage of it. I could learn so much more if I work more.
When we have our history-current news talks in class, I learn a lot!! what i don't like is that I never have anything interesting to say.

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