Friday, November 7, 2008

Honors blog (KiNda)

Reflection on "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers.

I like to always be reading something. But usually if a book is not interesting I stop reading it.The book that I’m currently reading,(and that I’m almost done with) is called “Redeeming Love”.
By the title you can tell that it is a romantic novel. But this novel is different because it is not about how the two main characters can’t make their life together because another persons interfere, It is about them fighting against themselves to learn how to love each other..

The author, Francine Rivers, does a good job explaining every detail, which helped me to stay interested. She does get you to the point where you start to feel desperate because their relationship doesn’t move, but she the author always finds a way to give you hope and inspire you to keep reading the book.

Characterization: When the author talks about the main characters she gets so into detail. She describes every feeling that they have and every movement they make, even what they’re wearing. All of their physical attributes are well given. She gives you more than enough information to picture them. Rivers, describes Angel (protagonist) as a beautiful girl, with blond hair, blue eyes, smart, with no hope, strong character, she also describes her as a revengeful person, and she gives a lot other details about her. Since “Angel” was a prostitute, and her life was full of hard things, I got a very passionate idea of reading about her, and of reading how her personality changes over time, of course this change comes because of Michael's love. About Michael, Rivers does a good job also describing him. Deep voice, dark hair, tall, blue ayes, wonderful smile and a good heart. Every figure in the story is described in a way that you can identify your self with them and that you can see both sides of their character, good and bad. Their virtues and their weakness, is all there.

Like in every story, there is conflict. In this novel the conflict is based in Angel’s life. It all starts when she was eight and her mom died. She was taken by a man that put her into prostitution. After a few years of trying to escape she gives up and losses any hope that she had. When she finally has the opportunity to make a new life with Michael the true conflict begins.
Because she abruptly changes her life, she doesn’t know how to handle it. So the true fight is with herself. There’s a little voice saying “let him be happy” and then the other one saying “he loves you, stay with him”. There’s always an internal fight. And an exterior too, with people around Michael that don’t see Angel as his wife. Obviously their lives are so different, that it takes a long process to get over it.

All of the conflict can end up being a moral lesson, or simply tragedy. This story is a complete tragedy except for perhaps the last seven chapters.
The tragedy in this story is fundamental. The whole novel is surrounded by sadness, and things that changed Angel’s life. The author takes you to the deep thoughts of the girl, but it also shows you the big picture, by telling you what’s going wrong. Tragedy takes Angel by the hand. It makes the story more dramatic and more logical to the way she reacts later. What I mean by saying tragedy is, that every decision that Angel made, like all decisions had consequences, but with the ones she made, you never can expect to get something good out of it. She would receive bad or worst.

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