Thursday, November 20, 2008

ThAnKsGiViNg Break!!

I'm thankful for knowing God, for my grandma, mom and sister, (my entire family).
For the Sheahan's, The Mason's, the Olson's, for my friends! Aubrey, Noel, Sukey, Mickey, (all of them) , I also thankful for my brothers, they're cool. And finaly I'm thankful for being a live and with lots of love.
ps: I kinda like this scjool too, so i should be thankful for this to, ha.

What I have to get done during this brake is:
- sense I divided my article in 5 parts, and I have to do a draft for each one,
I need to write the three drafts that i'm mising.
-pollution draft.
-PB point draft.
-pollution in PB point
- surfers in PB point.

- I need to go to PB point and take pictures of that beach.
- need to write for each picture a description.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Honors blog (KiNda)

Reflection on "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers.

I like to always be reading something. But usually if a book is not interesting I stop reading it.The book that I’m currently reading,(and that I’m almost done with) is called “Redeeming Love”.
By the title you can tell that it is a romantic novel. But this novel is different because it is not about how the two main characters can’t make their life together because another persons interfere, It is about them fighting against themselves to learn how to love each other..

The author, Francine Rivers, does a good job explaining every detail, which helped me to stay interested. She does get you to the point where you start to feel desperate because their relationship doesn’t move, but she the author always finds a way to give you hope and inspire you to keep reading the book.

Characterization: When the author talks about the main characters she gets so into detail. She describes every feeling that they have and every movement they make, even what they’re wearing. All of their physical attributes are well given. She gives you more than enough information to picture them. Rivers, describes Angel (protagonist) as a beautiful girl, with blond hair, blue eyes, smart, with no hope, strong character, she also describes her as a revengeful person, and she gives a lot other details about her. Since “Angel” was a prostitute, and her life was full of hard things, I got a very passionate idea of reading about her, and of reading how her personality changes over time, of course this change comes because of Michael's love. About Michael, Rivers does a good job also describing him. Deep voice, dark hair, tall, blue ayes, wonderful smile and a good heart. Every figure in the story is described in a way that you can identify your self with them and that you can see both sides of their character, good and bad. Their virtues and their weakness, is all there.

Like in every story, there is conflict. In this novel the conflict is based in Angel’s life. It all starts when she was eight and her mom died. She was taken by a man that put her into prostitution. After a few years of trying to escape she gives up and losses any hope that she had. When she finally has the opportunity to make a new life with Michael the true conflict begins.
Because she abruptly changes her life, she doesn’t know how to handle it. So the true fight is with herself. There’s a little voice saying “let him be happy” and then the other one saying “he loves you, stay with him”. There’s always an internal fight. And an exterior too, with people around Michael that don’t see Angel as his wife. Obviously their lives are so different, that it takes a long process to get over it.

All of the conflict can end up being a moral lesson, or simply tragedy. This story is a complete tragedy except for perhaps the last seven chapters.
The tragedy in this story is fundamental. The whole novel is surrounded by sadness, and things that changed Angel’s life. The author takes you to the deep thoughts of the girl, but it also shows you the big picture, by telling you what’s going wrong. Tragedy takes Angel by the hand. It makes the story more dramatic and more logical to the way she reacts later. What I mean by saying tragedy is, that every decision that Angel made, like all decisions had consequences, but with the ones she made, you never can expect to get something good out of it. She would receive bad or worst.

Blog #20, I could do something good out of this!


One of my final products will be an article. my article will be based in different interviews that my partner and I will complete. What I like about this article is that they include in a proper way the cutes from the interview, they make them sound interesting and they get the important parts. The author of the article also makes it sound more general, like if all of the surfers thought that way. I don't know if that's right but it helps him get to his point.

Trick Or Treat
Crash The Coast Concludes On All Hallows Eve
by Zach Weisberg

The luminous jackolantern grins at me. He’s thinking what I’m thinking:

“I can’t believe we just pulled this off.”

It’s fitting too – the way SURFER’s Crash The Coast Trip has concluded, because Halloween marks a transition period into the cold with an eerie celeb

ration - and in our case where the surf culture skips along as a mystery.

The surfers in New Hampshire warned us about Maine. They said, “This is kind of the end of the rainbow here. Once you start heading north the surfers become few and far between. It goes from ten miles between exits to twenty miles between exits.”

Ross Kunkel, Cinnamon Rainbows Employee said, “Those guys will come down from North Maine and grab a new board and wetsuit and we won’t see them again for another year.”

We had to get to the bottom of this.

We didn’t make it to that sketchy part of Maine they were talking about, but we did find a committed crew of surfers to show us around the area surrounding Higgins Beach and Portland.

“I think the strangeness is based around the fact that it’s incredibly empty,” says Northeast Firewire Rep, Chris Cary. “A lot of it has to do with the fact that the surf community in New Hampshire is so tight-knit that the further north you go in Maine the stranger the people are because you might run into a surfer up north who’s never s

urfed with more than three people.”

Sounds like a dream. But what I think might be the weirdest thing about Maine surfers is their authenticity. It’s refreshingly jarring, and exactly what our seafaring tribe needs.

“I like it here in the sense that you don’t get a lot of egos,” says Carey. “You can go out anywhere pretty much and feel comfortable…You might not be able to pick a surfer out of a crowd here, because surfers here don’t really care about the gear – they just want to surf.”

It’s like we had found what we were searching for. Nevermind the lack of industry - only once we got as far from a conventional surf town as we could imagin

e, did we really find one. Considering it was a freezing Halloween night, and the candy was spilling from the doorsteps – we had nothing left to do but celebrate.

There was only one costume to do it in, too: Dumb and Dumber's Harry and Lloyd. After all, we scrounged from Latino South Beach, FL to the blistering cold of Portland, Maine, and got lost fifty times along the way.

But according to this map, we only went six inches.

dumb and dumber surfer

Thanks to all of our gracious hosts and sponsors, and people who kept u

p with our journey along the way, We trekked for 17 days without spending a dime on a hotel room. East Coast surfers dropped everything at a moment’s notice and welcomed us into their homes and told us their stories. For that we are grateful.

Look for the full feature in an upcoming issue of SURFER Magazine, and something tells me we’ll be back here soon.

Link to the article here!

#2 (PiCtUrEs!!)

The second part of my final product will be two or three pictures that I will take in our many visits to the beach.
-What I like of this picture is that it gives an idea of how dirty the water can be and we still don't do anything about it, we just live with it. And what a want to do in one of my pictures is to promote this. People thinking about how real the polluted water is in our environment. So basically what I like about this picture is the message that it has.

- In this picture you can see a clean beach, and want to project the idea of what we want too. And of course I will include surfers in at least one of my pictures, and they are probably will be in the water not just walking. But the sky, the sand and the clean water look so good together

- I also want to show to how bad the diseases that you can get in polluted water are.

Blog #19

The U.S census Bureau, reveals that “Hispanics constituted 14 percent of the nation’s total population.” The Latino vote was also very important in this election. According to “The Dallas morning news”, When it comes to voting, the Latinos put as their top priority the candidate that has better ideals in Economy. This is very important to them. What could be a reason for this way of thinking, is that the majority of the Latino people in the U.S come to this country to make their “American dream” come true. Which in another words would be, look for better opportunities of getting a job and making money. So obviously that’s what they base their vote on. With Obama's proposition of reducing taxes and helping middle class people, it was obvious to see a positive reaction in the Latino population. Also in my very personal opinion an being part of the Latino community, I think that the fact of Obama not being white gives him more votes from the Latinos, because we like that. Now it can be prove that to become president of the United States you only need a birth certificate, and blue eyes are not required.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Plan for my H2o project...

For My beach project my final product will be an Article, based in this question; how do pollution affect surfers/ swimmers and residents on a couple beaches, I still don’t know which ones, but I will get to that point. What I do know is that it will be more than two beaches. My article will be presented as a web page and it will content a video produced by Sophie Santiago. We will both work together on the interviews and research.
I should say that I will take a couple of pictures based on what we have learned in class, and we will add them to the web page.

The resources that we will need to accomplish this are:
- Interviews to a few Doctors working close to the area s to the beaches
me and my partner will research in.
- Interviews to surfers.
- Video camera for the video.
- Camera for the pictures.

The people that I will need, (mostly for interviews):
Doctors that live close to the area.

The schedule will work like this:

Wednesday 12:
Thursday 13:
Friday 14:
Monday 17:
Tuesday 18:
Wednesday 19:
Thursday 20:
Friday 21:

The weekends will be use to work on the structure of the article, and of course rest.

Question’s Doctors.
What type of diseases is more common of people that spend more time than a normal person (like surfers or residents) at the beach?
1-What type of bacteria is more common to see in diseases that we can get in polluted water?
2-What causes these bacteria? (What human actions?)
3- Are there ways for people to prevent these diseases?
4- How bad or extreme can a disease get?
5-would you swim in that water?
6- In average how many surfers come in a month to see you because they got an infection in the water?
7- Is there any solution you would propose to stop the water from contaminating?

Question’s Surfers.
1- How often do you get diseases from spending so much time in this water?
2- Are you well informed of how contaminated this beach is?
3- Does it bother you that the beach is this polluted?
4- Have you done something about it?
5- Are you well informed of what you can do to help your beach?
6- How much money do you spend on doctors or medicine everytime you get sick?
7- Do you think the government should do something about this or is it the People’s responsibilities?

If you want to see more questions you can go to my partner’s blog, Sophie Santiago.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

ReFleCtiOn "Election"

How do I feel about the election?

Obama won!!. I probably heard that about 623 times this day.I think we all saw what was coming since the first debate. Even though it was a tight fight between the candidates, it was really clear that America was going to choose the new and refresh idea of a government, and obviously Obama was giving that. I feel that it was a fear fight. And Obama deserves a chance to display he's ideas.

What are my hopes for America and your community in the next few years?

My hope for the US, is that it gets over the financial crisis that they are going trough right now , and that it will be the same country that it was maybe a year ago, powerful and successful. And after America goes back to normal, our communities will do it as well.

What are my concerns for America and your community for the next few years?

The only thing that really scares me is the idea of America being a liberalise country, maybe this is a really extremist way to say it. But men's kissing each other and killing babies, doesn't sound very natural to me. Other than that, every thing sounds OK.

Obama on abortion.

My understanding on civic knowlege...
I could say that for being a new person to this country, the knowlege that i have is good. But for being a student in High Tech High it could probably be better. But the truth is, the blog and the posts that we have to do every tuesday and thursday have help me so much. I'm learning to relate history with current events. which is exacly what I need right now. I combination of both to get to know better the sistem of the United States. I woudnt change anything to this class. The one thing I would change is the way I'm taking avenage of it. I could learn so much more if I work more.
When we have our history-current news talks in class, I learn a lot!! what i don't like is that I never have anything interesting to say.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Blog #17

How does pollution affect humans?
Lets first start knowing what Pollution is. According to wikipedia pollution is "the introduction of contaminants into an environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the physical systems or living organisms they are in." I would basically call it contamination.

But there's another ways to describe it. Web definitions for pollution.

So how does it affect humans?
You can get so many diseases because of water pollution, because this is usually caused by our house drains or contamination from factories.

Humans Health
Effects of water pollution in humans and animals
youtube video of water pollution effects.

more effects in humans!

Article about reducing and controlling in California.