Monday, May 18, 2009

Reflection on the magazine take #1....

#1 What went well for me during the process of creating this magazine?

The idea of creating a brand new article instead of using something I already had was awesome for me. Instead of being lazy and just revising past drafts, I created I knew article. It probably took me more time to do this, but I'm happy about it because in m article I tell about some of my experience and how much I disliked it, So I was complaining in a professional way. And another thing that is good is that my article will hopefully help future inters during the process.

#2 What challenges did you face as you moved from an early draft or idea to a final product?

I ran out of ideas. I Had the article done but it still needed another bullet point with help for the reader, but I couldn't think of one. But then Randy's wife help me with some ideas and it finally worked out.

#3 What other examples of work—student and professional—stood out as exemplary and served as a good model for your own work?

Sidney Lampe's did. Because we did the same thing, she wrote an article about her experience and so reading through her stuff and how she kept critiquing even when it was done, it made realize that I should kelped on revising my work.

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