Tuesday, February 17, 2009

going through everyone's blog...

Economic advice to Barack Obama...

I found this blog really interesting because it relates to the same basic idea I had for Obama. I talked about creating jobs, but I just said what to do and what not to do. In Chandler Hood's blog I found a HOW. A plan for Obama, that goes farder than just stormbraining about what to change, it's more like how to change it. That's whay I liked this Blog.

Here's part of his plan...

"All companies with an annual revenue of $500 million or more that choose to sell their products in America must base at least 10% of their manufacturing workforce in America."

Historical Writing...

For this category I liked Evan Lott's blog. The way he writes about history may not be that deep, but it is really easy to understand, and easy evidence like quotes are in it. His writing is more an overall analysis of the topic. Here are some sentences of his writing which I concider really easy to understand and get into.

"The populist were their own party, but some of them worked within the democractic party. in the election of 1896 the populists were at a crossroad, stuck between gold and silverites."

Literary Analysis....

This is a paragraph from Sophie Santiago's honors blog. Even though there isn't much of an overall analysis. She took apart one of the literary devices (character) and described very well. She explained what the literary device called character is, and at the same time what the character was in the book that she's reading.

"One literary device in the book, The island of Dr. Moreau written by H.G. Wells, is character. There are three main characters, Dr. Moreau, Montgomery, and Prendick. Prendick an English man and is smart but not as smart as the other characters, Dr.Moreau and Montgomery. He is not really talked much about in the book but you can tell he is one of the characters who is doing his very best to survive on the island. I would Montgomery’s character as puzzled or confused. On the island he was looked down on by Dr. Moreau. In Dr. Moreau’s eyes he was seen as, “imperfect”. He was obsessed with Drinking and having power. Dr. Moreau, in my opinion the most stubborn character. I say that because he was obsessed with perfection and in his opinion everything was imperfect. So he used his science based knowledge to create creature like animals, which really was far off from being perfect. But in Dr. Moreau’s eyes that was seen as perfection."

Descriptive blog's...

For my own category I choose Descriptive blog. I didn't look for a good descriptive piece of writing. I was looking for a simply GOOD piece of writing so I went to Will Schrenkeisen's blog, and I found a well, funny blog about himself. What made it good and funny? the description that he gives to everything. And that's how I got my Descriptive blog category. Here is a small taste of it.

"For the sake of detail, this man was a little taller than me and possessed a reasonable degree of courtesy, but I could sense that he wondered what the hell I was doing in such an austere business environment."

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